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RPL Nursing Report Help

Recognition of Prior Learning

MSc Nursing – RPL Theory

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Theory

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the overall term widely used for the recognition of, and award of, academic credit on the basis of demonstrated learning that has occurred at some time in the past.

RPL is an assessment process that determines the extent to which an applicant has achieved the required competencies and standards for entry into a higher-level programme of study. The prior learning may have been acquired by formal, non-formal or informal routes. In applying RPL, the University is cognisant of the need to ensure that the integrity of its awards is rigorously guarded and that academic standards are maintained. The accreditation of prior learning may be used only in the context of making an application for admission to a particular programme.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for theory - compulsory entry criteria

The MSc Nursing programme is open to graduates who can demonstrate the ability to study independently at level 6 (degree). Whilst you are required to achieve a degree at 2:2 or above to apply for the course the Nursing and Midwifery Council require that we reassess your degree level capacity for study. The MSc is also a shortened version of the standard three year programme and as such you are required to gain accreditation for prior learning including evidence of self-direction; academic skill and competence in learning; an ability to search, evaluate and analyse research and information and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively. These requirements will be reviewed using the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process before you commence the programme. Within the RPL process, you will also be required to demonstrate achievement of specified learning outcomes in order to follow a shorter programme.

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Guidelines for claiming RPL (Theory) as a requirement for entry to the programme

Assessment Details

This guide provides you with information on the RPL process and the assessment requirements for RPL (theory) as entry criteria to the MSc in Nursing Programme (All Fields of Practice). Further information can be found in the University Policy.

In line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for Pre-Registration Nursing Education (2018) the duration of the MSc in Nursing is shortened from the usual 3 years (Min 4,600 hours) by utilization of the RPL process.

The RPL (theory) claim is made for entry to the programme, and is not weighted for the award.

It is assessed at level 6 (degree) and will be awarded a pass/ fail.

You will be required to provide evidence of your prior learning against the learning outcomes in Stage 1 of the BSc (Hons) three year nursing programme. These have been summarized below:

RPL Nursing:

Your RPL Nursing report will include some clinical proficiencies requiring assessment in a care situation and completion of a total of 760 hours worked in a relevant setting. It will help you fulfill the condition of starting the MSc Nursing Programme, which is the submission of proof that your first degree and prior experience are related to nursing.


The underpinning philosophy of your nursing programme is ‘Person Centred Care’ which is a way of thinking and providing health care whilst viewing service users as essential partners in planning, developing and monitoring care to ensure that their needs are met and acting as an advocate when necessary. Person centred care is not just about giving people whatever they want but it considers desires, values, individual family situation, lifestyles and social circumstances. This approach will also support and enable people at different stages of life and in all care settings to make informed choices about how to promote their health and manage any health challenges in order to maximise their quality of life and improve health outcomes.

To demonstrate prior learning in relation to:-
Knowledge and Understanding :
Critically appraise factors that impact upon an individual’s health across the life course and relate these to health promotion activities and evidence informed guidelines for practice.
Critically review a range of communication strategies that can enable the development of therapeutic relationships
Values and attitudes:
Actively negotiate and advocate on behalf of people to ensure equal access to care and support.
RPL Assessment
This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of 2 key issues: communication as it relates to advocacy and the factors that impact on an individual’s health across the life course and relate these to health promotion activities. The assessment has two parts. You must complete both parts of the assessment and include the coursework declaration sheet and feedback and results form with your submission.
Part 1:
Advocacy is an important skill that might be required when dealing with vulnerable people. Using ONE of the three scenarios on the link below:
Write a 1000 - 1500 wordessay, using literature and theory to support the writing, to demonstrate understanding of advocacy and the communication strategies used within one of the three scenarios on the NMC safeguarding film that can be accessed from the link below. The communication strategies identified could be either positive or negative and you also need to discuss the importance of being aware of the potential need for advocacy within relationships in health care.
Part 2:
Using examples from your own experience and using literature and theory to support your writing, write a 1000 - 1500 word essay to demonstrate your understanding of what factors may impact on an individual’s health and relate these to health promotion activities.
Marking criteria
The following criteria will be used to identify whether you have met the learning outcomes for the RPL Claim.
PART 1 -1000-1500 words:
Discuss what is meant by advocacy and how the communication strategies used in your chosen scenario either support or present a barrier to the concept of advocacy being utilized.
Discuss the importance of being aware of the potential need for advocacy within relationships in health care.
PART 2 - 1000-1500 words:
Discuss the definitions of health and health promotion
Identify and discuss the key issues that could impact on an individual’s health and consider what health promotion activities would be most effective.
Identify examples from your own experience (not necessarily clinical experience) to support discussions
Aspects for comment only and not identified as pass or fail criteria:
Produce an organized account that is clearly structured, grammatically correct and uses formal/academic language
Refer to the City, University of London citation guidelines on page 5 and use relevant references that reflect depth and breadth of reading.

Word Count

For this assignment there is a +/- 10% leeway on the word count. References in the reference list are not included in the word count but any references made within the text of your essay are.

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